Design Experiences
Bring events to life with in-person experiences. Create an environment that communicates your messaging even through just the feeling of being there.
Design Management
Ultimately the goal of events is to create a community that keeps coming back. That community for Inherit was called “Yacht Club.” Below, Kristi, our Community Manager, sets the tone for our upcoming year.
Organizing & Planning
Bringing the event vision to life means extracting lists of needed collateral from the event scope and vision.
Backlog Scheduling
Ensuring all collateral is ready on-time means tasks need to be split up into dependent components and assigned to appropriate team members on a timeline of production.
Design & Production
During design & production, keeping product managers informed helps ensure that there are no surprises in the end product.
Design Management
Ultimately the goal of events is to create a community that keeps coming back. That community for Inherit was called “Yacht Club.” Below, Kristi, our Community Manager, sets the tone for our upcoming year.
Organizing & Planning
Bringing the event vision to life means extracting lists of needed collateral from the event scope and vision.
Backlog Scheduling
Ensuring all collateral is ready on-time means tasks need to be split up into dependent components and assigned to appropriate team members on a timeline of production.
Design & Production
During design & production, keeping product managers informed helps ensure that there are no surprises in the end product.
Organizing & Planning
The first stage of planning is maybe the most important. Meeting with stakeholders to extract their vision for the event, researching the competitive and parallel businesses, and brainstorming possibilities are all components of kicking-off a great event.
Left: On Immersion Day, aspiring entrepreneurs toured Coca Cola headquarters in a business structure deep-dive.
Communication is Water
This phrase often repeated by our CEO Trudy Baidoo, emphasized how essential regular communication is for smooth running production. Diagrams, lists, and mock-ups help keep everyone on the same page so that there are no surprises as design develops.
The Insider Ask: Create a super simple, destination themed slide deck that could be exported as a PDF to avoid tech complications. Turnaround time–2 days.
is Water
This phrase often repeated by our CEO Trudy Baidoo, emphasized how essential regular communication is for smooth running production. Diagrams, lists, and mock-ups help keep everyone on the same page so that there are no surprises as design develops.
The Insider Ask: Create a super simple, destination themed slide deck that could be exported as a PDF to avoid tech complications. Turnaround time–2 days.
When asked about how the presentation/visuals were received:
“It was incredible! We served SO well! I’m so so so grateful!”
Nicole Walters, Founder & CEO
Propelling Reviews
Brenna, one of our Product Owners, was an avid proponent of a post-event review. While all the activity is still top-of mind, taking time to take inventory of how it went propels success for future events.
Right: Client smiles with her Tiffany award at our Inherit Boardroom Executive Escapes.
Illuminate Your Ideas
Bring good things to life.
I’d describe you as: Curious, thorough, creative, caring for teammates, highly collaborative, an eye for great user experience, an A player.