Hi Elizabeth!
Here is round two!
You’ll notice that there are a few different kinds of gold bars used as accents—let me know if you like that look or would rather leave it off.
Your picture looks fabulous. I’m a super fan of the blue dress with the jacket because it’s casual enough for college but still professional. It really stands out over your other photos for this cover image. I think some of the others will work great on further pages. I do still love the graduation picture as well, so I’ll let you be the final decision maker for that.
*A note about the big title—It’s important to differentiate the title from your logo. I’ve experimented with the size and weight of the title. Smaller, and it gets too close to your logo size, and and if we go a lighter weight we experience the same problem. If you like the minimalist style, I recommend just going with it large, because that issue shouldn’t be a problem on subsequent pages.
This round I imagine you’ll be rounding the corner on your preferences, and will be able to select one or two of these you like best, and you may still want a little tweak. Hopefully with that next change we’ll be ready to move along to the body of the presentation! You’re welcome to keep a few cover slides, and you’ll have an editable slide in your template as well.
I hope you enjoy, and look forward to your selection!
Arch, Elizabeth



Classic, Elizabeth with Right Gold Accent Bar

Classic, Elizabeth, No Accent Bar

Classic, Standing Elizabeth, Left Narrow Accent Bar

Minimalist Elizabeth, Left Narrow Accent Bar

Minimalist Elizabeth, No Accent Bar

Minimalist Graduation